"I experienced a huge mindset shift and was able to truly make a difference in my student's knowledge and attitudes towards learning because of our coaching sessions."

~E.C. teacher

1:1 Coaching for Educators

What I do:

Through individualized coaching, I help educators prioritize their own well being AND grow their skills as they work towards more equitable outcomes for students.

Why it’s important: 

Educators work incredibly hard, in systems that are not always set up to support them or our students, and deserve better. In order to continue the work of closing opportunity and achievement gaps, providing joyful and safe spaces for teachers and students, and supporting families and the larger community, leaders need to prioritize their own development and wellness.  It’s possible to do this alone, of course, but doing this with the love and support of someone else is infinitely better. 

How it works:

Throughout personalized coaching cycles, we co-create sustainable, every day practices and supports related to strategic leadership, instructional growth and wellness.

  • "Jess helped me realize that I have to zoom in and out quickly--that's part of leadership, also that prioritization is key and that I can find systems that work for me. My sessions with Jess helped me maintain sanity and make adjustments that kept me moving forward in a positive way, when I easily could have been completely overwhelmed and defeated by stress. I never could have made it through this school year without her."

    ~Rachael, Director of Teaching and Learning

  • "Jess is very down to earth, non judgmental, and has an authentic belief in what she is doing. From someone like her, coaching can 1. provide a teacher connection with someone who understands a classroom. 2. Gain new ideas about things. and 3. Explore the philosophy of teaching in more depth. Each of us needs a purpose and coaching can help."

    ~Karen, teacher

How We Can Work Together: 1:1 Coaching Cycles

In these partnerships, we have the time and space to surface the current realities, recognize the impact of our current realities, explore emotions and create new practices.

In our time together, we’ll design or revise a vision rooted in your values and a shared mission around equity, create inquiry questions to explore ways of being, beliefs, mindsets and behaviors that can bring your vision to life and work together to navigate, celebrate and articulate growth.

In all areas, we explore emotions that are present for ourselves and others. We will also prioritize your wellness, because we need to take care of ourselves if we are going to continue to show up and serve our communities, and because we deserve to be our most joyful and authentic selves in our work.

Leadership Coaching Cycles

How it works: Throughout personalized coaching cycles (4-5 months each), we co-create sustainable, every day practices and supports related to strategic leadership, instructional vision & growth and wellness.

What we can focus on:

Leadership Practices: coaching others, developing coaching relationships and cycles, how to coach ways of being, beliefs and behaviors as we coach for equity, prioritization, adaptive leadership, change management, building a love of learning, coaching teams, building community and relationships with adults and students, organizational skills

"As a result of this coaching cycle with Jess, I feel more competent as a coach. Like I have a clearer vision of what I've been wanting to accomplish and I am more helpful to my school community."

~G.L. Instructional Coach

Teaching Coaching Cycles

How it works: Throughout personalized coaching cycles (4-5 months each), we co-create sustainable, every day practices and supports related to instructional growth, classroom culture and wellness.

What we can focus on:

Instructional Practices: lesson planning, data driven instruction, engaging all learners, supporting diverse learner needs, rigor, exemplar writing, lesson structures, culturally responsive teaching practices

Culture Practices: building community and relationships with students, restorative practices, logical consequences, restoring relationships, intrinsic motivation, building a love of learning

"I feel confident and empowered with the resources to be successful! I feel more empowered in terms of having a small instructional step to take that pushed me toward my goal each two weeks."

~A.A. Teacher

What’s included:

  • Extended deep dive session (60 mins)

  • Coaching Guide (includes goals/inquiries, evidence of growth, notes)

  • 8-10 1:1 sessions (50-60 mins)

  • co-observations for leaders (in person if local, video if all remote)

  • 15 min check in calls as needed

  • Accountability

  • Personalized resources

  • Text support as needed

By the end of a coaching cycle, you will walk away with:

  • Increased awareness and skill around your selected inquiry question within your leadership or teaching

  • Increased confidence and empowerment in your leadership or teaching related to your "'why"

  • Tools to use to reflect & refine your growth (and those you serve)

  • Commitment to the practices that sustain your wellbeing.

Just getting started? Try “Reveal”: A 90 minute Deep Dive Session

Reveal: a 90 minute deep dive session

A 90 minute deep dive coaching session with Jess for leaders, teachers (or anything in between), looking to find their voice as a coach.

What’s included:

  • Grounding breath work

  • Values exercise

  • Guided visualization

  • Clear, notetaking guide

  • Strengths identification, and leveraging exercise

  • Uninterrupted time to focus on you and your growth

By the end of this Reveal session with me you’ll walk away with:

  • Clarity around your unique voice as a coach that communicates your values

  • Increased confidence in how your current strengths have prepared you for this role,

  • Commitment to the practices that sustain your wellbeing, and

  • An inspired inquiry question to guide your next few months.

"I really felt like coaching with Jess was a way for me to process all of the thoughts that I have been holding in my head as a coach. It allowed me to receive feedback and grow and I know that it will benefit my future coaching. It helped me find my voice, how I view coaching, and it definitely made me really feel like a coach!"

~M.P. Teacher Leader

  • "I noticed as the school year started that the optimism I generally have at the beginning began to dwindle quickly. A number of obstacles popped up immediately and the systems that I am trying to change, just keep staying the same. I work in a great school with great colleagues and administration and it was still really difficult to implement change. I had a couple of brief conversations with Jessica and in minutes, she helped guide me to new clarity and next steps. We started working together on a regular basis and my coaching has truly begun the transformation that I have been trying to achieve for years in just a couple of months. Jessica's coaching has enhanced my practice, which has benefited my relationship and work with my teachers and even my coaching colleagues are now inspired to do the work to make changes. Working with Jessica is a transformative and supportive experience that will help you be the coach/leader/educator/person you want to be! All coaches/leaders/educators/humans deserve to have a coach as intuitive, kind, and committed to equity and the joy of teaching and learning as Jessica!"

    ~ Cori, Instructional Coach

Dream Team Leadership Package

Are there several members of your leadership team that would benefit from coaching?

I am passionate about helping leaders find their voice, lead effectively from their values AND prioritize their wellness.

Give the gift of leadership coaching to your entire team!

Imagine a year where each member of your leadership team has:

  • sacred time held for them

  • a strategic thought partner to help them reach them goals

  • a compassionate coach to support them navigate the joys and challenges of the year

  • someone to champion them and prioritize their wellness