
I’m Jess, a leadership and wellness coach, the founder of Lead and Be Well, a forever educator and learner, entrepreneur, yoga teacher and mama. I am passionate about helping leaders - whether they are in schools, classrooms, homes, their businesses or in their lives - reach their goals AND prioritize their wellness.

I’m an educator committed to equity for students, sustainability for teachers, joy in our learning, authenticity in our leadership and connection to ourselves and each other in all that we do. I support leaders to grow their skills while prioritizing their wellness. 

With almost twenty years of professional education experience, I have been an elementary and middle school teacher, a teacher leader, dean of instruction, assistant principal, network level assessments manager, and most recently a consultant supporting schools with special projects as they navigate the challenges that the pandemic has intensified.

In my leadership work, I have coached teachers, teacher leaders, and novice assistant principals across all content areas, including special education to achieve excellent academic outcomes within a school that serves historically marginalized populations (KIPP).  I have integrated individual coaching with school wide professional development on a wide variety of academic topics in addition to leading network wide professional development for school leaders focused on implementing effective and efficient assessment systems (Rocketship Public Schools).

In my coaching, I focused on cultivating a growth mindset, an impactful set of instructional skills and restorative practices, and a love of the process of leading/teaching as well as strong results

I believe some of the work of leading and teaching can be taught from books, and some is intuitive - we often just need someone to hold space for us and reflect back our good ideas, validate our instincts, and support us in filtering out the distractions so we can prioritize and then go do the things. 

I coach from a place of both empathy and accountability, and use those strengths as a way to individualize coaching to meet people where they are.

My Wellness Journey

To me, wellness does not mean that our life is without struggle.  It means that we are equipped for the journey.  That when hunger strikes, we have a snack.  When the hill we have to climb is steep, we have good shoes on, a mantra to repeat, water to hydrate, and we know how to take breaks when we need them. That when the school day is exceptionally tough, we know what will refuel us, rather than further deplete our energy.  Wellness means making space for what is present, deeply knowing ourselves and what we need, and then feeling empowered to give those things to ourselves.  It’s about having tools to process the past, be fully present, and mindfully plan for the future.

Even as a young kid, I was drawn to journaling as a way to process big feelings and make sense of the world. Throughout my time growing up, I was active in different sports, tried yoga when it was offered in high school, was an avid reader, and loved being in nature. When challenges presented themselves though, I mostly just channeled that stress into attempts at perfectionism and was “fine”. 

In college, I fell in love with running.  The determination it required was a great source of stress relief.  I love that it reminds me how strong I am, how I am capable of setting new goals and meeting them, and that rest is also important.  My mind clears when I run, and I often am hit with inspiration - planning my best lessons or professional development while out on a run. Over the past decades, I’ve run dozens of half marathons or shorter races, and 2 full marathons, of which I am very proud.  They were SO hard! But life is hard sometimes, and the lessons learned on those endeavors revisit me in other aspects of life to remind me that, as Glennon Doyle says, “we can do hard things”. 

Yoga, at first, was a great way for me to balance out my running.  Stretching felt really nice and it also helped strengthen muscles I needed. When I moved to San Francisco though, I met yoga teachers that introduced the practice of yoga to me in a whole new way.  The physical practice was just one component.  Yoga was a whole way of being.  There was meditation.  Tools to support us in undoing thought patterns that keep us stuck. The movement practice itself is really a tool to help us in clearing the mind, through reflecting back to us our tendencies, and offering opportunities to learn how to show up in new ways.  I completed my 200 hour teaching training in 2017 and began teaching shortly after. I’m currently about a third of the way through my 300 hour teaching training and I continue to get to know myself in new and deeper ways through the practices of yoga, and I am able to show up more grounded, steady and present as a result.

So…why do I want to do THIS work?

Simply put, to make your life a little more peaceful.

Working in education is challenging work - whether it’s teaching, leading, or a combination of both.  For me, my yoga, mindfulness, running, and journaling helped me through.  We’re often confronted with systems of inequity that are beyond our locus of control, or the feeling that there are too many things to do and not enough time to do them. It often felt “selfish” to prioritize my own health and wellness when there were so many things to do, BUT, it’s so necessary.  Rest, refueling our tank, processing the hard moments - that is what allows us to stay in the work, AND be our best selves.

After I left my most recent role, I kept searching for meaningful work that included both the leadership and instructional work I love AND the emphasis on wellness, and I just didn’t find it. So here we are. If we can’t find our space, sometimes we need to make it ourselves.

Schedule a FREE consultation call to learn more about coaching and consulting offerings

When I’m not working…

I spend most of my time right now with my husband and our sweet and hilarious toddler, and I love our routines that help us explore the beautiful Bay Area.

Some of my go to wellness practices right now are:

  • being in nature

  • daily meditation

  • yoga

  • running

  • time with friends who make me laugh

  • journaling

  • reading

  • nourishing foods and water, water, water.