You’re Invited!

You are invited to join:

It’s All Connected

Join me this August for an 11 month live community for introspective, purposeful LEADERS desiring to shift into the next level of both personal WELLNESS and collective impact.

See alternate payment option below

“When change is abundant and the pieces are moving all around, having someone in the midst of all of it to help keep you tethered and hold space for the different versions of you is a gift. Jess has my best interest at heart.

As a result of our work together, I have a rejuvenated eagerness to learn. I have both stepped more confidently into my abilities and my desire to grow as a new kind of educational leader.

I am more grounded.”

~ G.L.O. Instructional Leader

Tell me More!

  • 11 live, interactive 90-minute monthly workshops featuring breathwork, meditations, yoga practice, lecture, discussion, reflection, Q&A sessions, and of course, lifetime replay access

  • Each workshop is held on the FIRST SUNDAY of each month (Aug 2024 - June 2025) from 9:30 - 11:00am PST

  • Unique yoga sequences & meditations designed to help you embody each leadership theme

  • Monthly workbooks designed to inspire and empower you to explore leadership themes, deepen your thinking and take action through simple, yet transformative tools, strategies and resources

  • Access to our private Slack community for ongoing support, celebration & connection

  • Loving reminders, organized resources and fun surprises from Jess to ensure you are supported in between our monthly sessions.

alternate payment options below

A Note from Jess

Spoiler alert - I’m writing a book and I need your help! 

I am in the process of writing a book to support people to evolve and heal on their leadership and wellness journeys through the principles of yoga, storytelling and self reflection. Sounds on brand, right?

My goal is to have this ready for self publication next summer - summer 2025.  Eek!

This is some courageous, calling it in, “accountability by claiming it” energy I’m harnessing right now, and to be honest, my heart is beating pretty fast. :)

But if you’re reading this right now, you are someone that I have connected with at a heart level.  I know that if you found yourself here, you are meant to be here.  

In short - I trust you.

Here’s my plan: 

I am going to write this book throughout the next 12 months, one thoughtful section at a time,  and here’s how you can help!

I’m inviting you into the beta version of “It’s all Connected: a leadership and wellness journey” LIVE workshop series that will accompany this book, I hope, for years to come.

Because this is the first time, and because I love you, I’d love to offer you an incredibly discounted pricing in exchange for your honest feedback along the way.

Can’t wait,


Live Workshop Details

All workshops are held on the FIRST SUNDAY of each month

9:30 - 11:00am PST

August 4

Leadership Intentions

“I learn”

  • Building community

  • Setting individual and collective intentions

  • Learning how we’ll learn

  • Balancing effort & ease


How do I want to evolve as a leader this year? Who do I want to BE?

September 1

Lead with Purpose

“I belong”

  • Element to learn from & embody (EARTH)

  • Affirmations to support your mind

  • Movement and stillness practices

  • Story telling

  • Connections to leadership, healing, and growth


What keeps me grounded? What’s my mission and vision in my work and in my life? Where do I belong?

October 6

Lead with Creativity

“I feel”

  • Element to learn from & embody (WATER) Affirmations to support your mind

  • Movement and stillness practices

  • Story telling

  • Connections to leadership, healing, and growth


What does it feel like to be in flow? What boundaries support my creativity and flow? What am I creating?

November 3

Lead with Confidence

“I can”

  • Element to learn from & embody (FIRE)

  • Affirmations to support your mind

  • Movement and stillness practices

  • Story telling

  • Connections to leadership, healing, and growth


What supports me to feel empowered & confident? What lights my fire? What would my inner best friend say?

December 1

Rest & Integrate

“I deserve rest”

The first 3 themes are the most foundational and intense - so we’ll lean into the winter season with rest and integration before building on.

  • restorative yoga

  • reflection & sharing


How can rest support my learning and growth?

January 5

Rest & Integrate

“I am my best when I rest”

The first 3 themes are the most foundational and intense - so we’ll lean into the winter season with rest and integration before building on.

  • restorative yoga

  • reflection & sharing


What shifts in my life when I allow myself to rest?

February 2

Lead with Love

“I love”

  • Element to learn from & embody (AIR)

  • Affirmations to support your mind

  • Movement and stillness practices

  • Story telling

  • Connections to leadership, healing, and growth


What does love look/sound/feel like to me? How can I offer and receive love in my work and life? What fuels my heart?

March 2

Lead with Truth

“I speak”

  • Element to learn from & embody (ETHER/SPACE)

  • Affirmations to support your mind

  • Movement and stillness practices

  • Story telling

  • Connections to leadership, healing, and growth


What truths need to be voiced? How can I deepen my ability to listen? Who is impacted by the clarity of my voice?

April 6

Lead with Intuition

“I see”

  • Element to learn from & embody (LIGHT)

  • Affirmations to support your mind

  • Movement and stillness practices

  • Story telling

  • Connections to leadership, healing, and growth


What helps me access my intuition? How can I set a clear vision? What does discernment look and feel like?

May 4

Lead with Wisdom

“I know”

  • Element to learn from & embody (THOUGHT)

  • Affirmations to support your mind

  • Movement and stillness practices

  • Story telling

  • Connections to leadership, healing, and growth


What connects you to the bigger picture?

Who benefits when you transform your experiences into wisdom?

What practices support clear focus and connection?

June 1

Leadership Integration

“I evolve”

  • Process

  • Identify learnings

  • Reflect

  • Celebrate


How have I evolved as a leader?

Who have I become?

What’s the impact of my growth?


“ I rest & prepare”

I hope you take as much of this month OFF to rest and integrate to your heart’s content.


Where will I go from here?

Investment Options for this BETA version of

It’s All Connected

Pay in Full

$575 for 11 months of goodness

Pay in 2 Installments

$295 in August, $295 in January for 11 months of goodness

Pay Monthly

$55/month for 11 months of goodness

This is for you if….

  • You are 

    • introspective and are on a growth journey, desiring to spend more of your time aligned with your highest self

    • ready to evolve as a leader, in a way that impacts your well-being, and the communities that you serve

    • a motivated, self-directed learner. You can take what we learn in our workshops and explore and apply it all month long 

  • You believe 

    • that your wellness and your leadership are intertwined, one impacting the other

    • that we are always learning!

  • You love/enjoy

    • yoga and know that when you embody what you’re learning in your mind, you move forward in a more integrated way

    • learning in community, and the natural accountability and inspiration that comes when we learn with others

    • Writing and sharing with others as key tools for growth

  •  Reading this list of ways to lead excites you, you have a full body yes, response to leading with

    purpose, creativity confidence, love, truth, intuition, and wisdom

  • You see yourself as a leader in your work in your home or in your life

Happy Clients!

  • Jess helped me realize that I have to zoom in and out quickly--that's part of leadership, also that prioritization is key and that I can find systems that work for me. My sessions with Jess helped me maintain sanity and make adjustments that kept me moving forward in a positive way, when I easily could have been completely overwhelmed and defeated by stress. I never could have made it through this school year without her.

    ~RC, School Leader

  • After coaching with Jess, I feel lighter, less urgent, and more accepting of my current season. I feel motivated to seek out inspiration- visually, socially, culturally, and more! Meeting with Jess allowed me to repeatedly state my barriers, worries, and needs and it supported me in clarifying next steps.

    ~AD, Entrepreneur

  • I recommend coaching with Jess because of her ability to consistently create brave spaces, either through the questions asked, or the amount of time given to me to share my thoughts, helped me feel safe and supported. We were always grounded in an inquiry question, with clear next steps, so every session felt cohesive and intentional.

    ~RE, Educational Leader