Hi, I’m glad you’re here.

I’m confident that if you’re here, it’s because you are ready to deepen your commitment to your personal growth,

create meaningful and long lasting change, and continue the work towards knowing and loving yourself well.

This work is too important to do alone, and I can’t wait to dive in with you.

~ Jess

SoulShift: Embrace your best self. 

A 6 week coaching journey to consciously transform your mindset and grow into a truer version of you. 

“Jessica is a trusted and experienced educator leader who has left a lasting impact both professionally and personally. Her joyful, authentic coaching approach put me at ease right away and allowed for us to do deep work together.

Throughout our six week coaching cycle, Jessica facilitated mindfulness exercises, asked compassionate questions with curiosity, and celebrated my wins as an educator leader. If you are looking to make lasting changes and create sustainable wellness practices, Jessica is the perfect coach to support you along the way!”

Happy Client (N.T.)

Together, we’ll build a sacred space to create the desired shifts in your life

What to expect in coaching

  • Grounding breath work

  • Exercises to explore values, ways of being, beliefs and behaviors

  • Guided visualizations

  • Clear, notetaking guide

  • Loving and strategic support

  • Strengths identification, and leveraging exercise

  • Uninterrupted time to focus on you and your growth

The 6 week container of SoulShift is perfect for you if you are ready to:

  • gain momentum with a new habit (either a replacement habit or brand new one) and want some loving accountability 

  • create something! (side hustle, a project, a new routine, a refreshed organizational system for better work flow)

  • shift your mindset around an area of life that needs up-leveling (self talk, self compassion, boundaries, etc)

  • explore an area of your wellness that could use a refresh

  • live in alignment with your values

“I loved the entire process of envisioning the “future me”, identifying at least one ground-level instantly-adoptable practice (meaning one that was solely under my control), putting that new practice into place, being held lovingly accountable each week by Jess and watching that one new practice blossom into a new life path.

As a result of this coaching cycle, I’ve learned that I am stronger than I thought; I had a new community of support just waiting to meet me; enormous positive changes can happen with one small but strategic behavioral change…if I chose to follow where it leads and embrace the journey.

Happy Client (S.G.)

Small shifts - whether it’s your mindset or your actions - can change your life.

What’s Included?

  • Extended Discovery call (75 min) make the plan

  • Coaching Guide (includes goals/inquiries, evidence of growth, notes)

  • Six 1:1 sessions (60 mins)

  • 15 min check in calls as needed

  • Loving Accountability

  • Personalized resources

  • Text support as needed

After 6 weeks, you’ll walk away with:

  • Clarity around your true identity as a result of this shift

  • Increased confidence as you learn new ways of being, beliefs and behaviors.

  • Reflective tools that can impact your growth beyond our 6 weeks

  • A lighter, more aligned, and more authentic sense of self

Loose structure of our 6 weeks:

  • Week 1: uncover beliefs and ground in your values

  • Week 2: explore new ways of being, beliefs & behaviors

  • Week 3: Loving accountability check in

  • Week 4: Stumble, remember & adjust

  • Week 5: Loving accountability check in

  • Week 6: celebrate and integrate

Hi! I’m Jess.

I am a coach, yoga student & teacher, mama, loving friend and partner. I help individuals looking to shift and grow in their personal wellness connect their values with their actions as they navigate changes in careers, identities or just the ways they want to show up in the world.

Change - whether we seek it or it finds us - can be overwhelming and unsettling at times. Individualized coaching creates the sacred space to focus on you so that you can show up as your best self for yourself and the people you support. 

Throughout 6 weeks, we will uncover beliefs and reflect on life as it is now. We’ll ground in your values, explore new ways of being, beliefs and behaviors and envision a new way of being. You will have loving accountability from me as you reflect and adjust your practices. 

This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to dig in and create the shift you want in your life with a supportive and strategic coach - me!

I am so excited to hold space and reflect all of your brilliance right back to you as you bravely embrace your best self.  It takes courage to create the life you want and naming it is the first step! Let’s get started.

The Inspiration for SoulShift

Some ideas take a long time to come into fruition, and some are like a short sprint.  My idea for Lead and Be Well was a 6 week journey from the mindset shift of “where is this perfect company I want to work for?” to “I CAN CREATE IT” to launching it into the world. 

This six week shift was incredible.  As soon as I changed my mindset, it was just a matter of getting down to business and making the thing! I was in such a flow state - chose the name, the vision, the signature offer, and learned the skills I needed to.  I had never made a website before, but I reached out to others, looked at examples of ones I loved, and got a solid “Version 1” ready to share with the world. 

It sounds dramatic to say “my life changed”, but IT DID.  I went from confusion around what my next career move should be to absolute clarity over where I wanted to spend my time and energy.  

There are so many subsequent learnings that have followed.  We - my business and I - have evolved, grown, stretched, heard YES!, experienced “not now”, and I’m loving the journey.  I’m so grateful for the voice inside me that got louder and said “I can create it - let’s do this”. 

This is truly the inspiration behind my personal wellness offering of SoulShift.  It’s a 6 week journey to consciously  transform your mindset and grow into a truer version of you. The shift you make might be small but the impact will be huge

What shift is your soul longing for? What can be created as a result? Are you ready? Let’s do this!