1:1 Coaching for All

Coaching is a beautiful opportunity for anyone desiring to feel more empowered, optimistic and aligned with their purpose to work with a supportive thought partner to guide you towards your goals and dreams.  I would be honored to be that person for you!

Whether you are a new mom, debating a professional change, wanting to live a life that is more aligned with your purpose and intuition, or want some loving accountability as you refine health and wellness goals, I’ve got you covered.

  • "As a result of this coaching cycle, I feel more well in the area of my mental and emotional health. It had been relieving to talk to someone outside of work about how I've been feeling about my work and not afraid to share my struggles."


  • "I feel empowered and a greater sense of clarity of how implementation coaching directly correlates to transformational coaching. I feel supported in my growth."


  • "As a result of coaching, I've learned to accept myself more readily (stop trying to do things the way others have done them or the way I think they're "supposed" to be done perfectly), to prioritize and "strategically do less" so that I can feel more successful."


  • As a result of coaching, I feel confident and empowered with the resources to be successful."



Embrace Your Best Self!

A 6 week journey to consciously transform your mindset and grow into a truer version of you.

A 6 week journey to consciously transform your mindset and grow into a truer version of you.

Are you ready to create a shift in your life and feel your best?

Would you love a joyful and strategic coach to support, guide and celebrate you along the way?

Or personalize your coaching package

What we can work on together:

  • There are so many ways to engage in “self-care”, and often the work is going deeper than the surface level to figure out what is truly nourishing to you. We might first explore your values, how you get energy, what brings you joy, and then experiment with practices that bring you home to yourself. Workshop mode around self care? Yes please!

  • Change can be so tough! It is also inevitable, and often the richest time of learning, if we are willing to take a stance of curiosity, presence and gratitude. The destabilizing nature of change invites us to slow down, connect inward and reflect on what we want to be true on the other side of this time - having the support of trusted coach can make welcoming a new chapter all feel more manageable.

  • Whether we begin with ways of being and mindsets, or get curious about behaviors and what causes them - this is powerful stuff! Our daily habits and actions make up a life, and if we are intentional about our mindsets, we can be intentional with our behaviors and truly create a life that feels full of joy and meaning.

  • These are some of my favorite exercised to do, both personally and with clients. We often are SO good at loving on others, building up our best friends, and championing those around us. Then, when it comes to ourselves, we can be so critical, which is draining and can be really harmful over time.

    In a loving coaching space, we can say the beautiful things to ourselves - gaining confidence and clarity around how we want to show up and love on ourselves too.

  • Struggle from feeling the pressure to do/be/act/look perfect? You are most definitely not alone, and there is a reason why. White Supremacy culture promoted this idea of “perfect” and their being a “right” or “desirable” way of being - this is harmful to people, regardless of race, and is worth unpacking and learning new ways of being that are free, focused on growth and learning and welcoming for unique and different ways of showing up in this world.

How we can work together:

  • The 6 week container of SoulShift is perfect for you if you are ready to:

    gain momentum with a new habit (either a replacement habit or brand new one) and want some loving accountability 

    create something! (side hustle, a project, a new routine, a refreshed organizational system for better work flow)

    shift your mindset around an area of life that needs up-leveling (self talk, self compassion, boundaries, etc)

    explore an area of your wellness that could use a refresh

    live in alignment with your values


  • This 4 session engagement is the perfect fit for you if you are already clear on the goals you want to achieve, the inquiries you want to explore, or the growth you want to see, and would love some loving accountability to help get you there. We’ll dive right in to finding the best coaching tips and strategies to move you forward and into the life you want, both for yourself and those you impact.

    Duration: within a 2-4 month span.

    What’s included:

    30 min consultation call

    4 1:1 sessions (60 mins)


    On demand text support and love

  • This is ideal for you if you have something specific to talk and think through, or want to try coaching without fully committing to a cycle, or want to thought-partner around your wellness, leadership, or life goals this year. It’s amazing how much we can work through in just one 60 minute session and set you up with some concrete next steps to achieve your goals.

Hey everyone! So happy you are here! I want to know your beautiful soul.

I’m Jess, a leadership and wellness coach, the founder of Lead and Be Well, a forever educator and learner, entrepreneur, yoga teacher, mama and partner.

I am passionate about helping leaders - whether they are in schools, classrooms, homes, their businesses or in their lives - reach their goals AND prioritize their wellness.

I’m a Cap 🌞, Libra ↗️, Leo 🌙 and I’m a journey of softening and finding more FLOW and EASE in life.

Coaching is absolutely my FAVORITE thing - it’s the place where I feel the decades of learning, creative strategies and intuition all blend together in this incredibly present mix of service.

It’s both a gift, and a skill I have spent years growing.

I believe we are all here to be of service in some way to the collective, and that requires that we start with ourselves. So much of my work is supporting leading in finding unique ways to deeply care for themselves so they can get back into their zone of genius with more ease. (much like I’m also doing with myself, because isn’t that always how it goes??)

Good thing I am a big believer in practice leading to progress.  Taking care of ourselves is not a “one and done” act, it’s a daily practice, a commitment to show up again and again.

So happy to meet you - can’t wait to connect more