12.13.23 Celebrations, Stories & Healing

Hi friends,

December is a time of BIG celebration in our home. My daughter’s birthday is today, and she loves to sing, dance and entertain - much like someone else you might know with this same birthday ;). (Any Swifties?)

I swear, Gabby’s been talking about this birthday since August, and so it’s a little surprising to find myself so full of emotion now that it’s arrived.  I am well aware she’s turning 4, and yet, totally shocked.  Where did the time go?

When I pause and reflect on our journey here, I feel my whole body tingle a bit.  The memory of bringing her into the world, the shadowed grief of the two losses that preceded her, the doubt I had as a result of those losses, and the full range of emotions that is being a parent - of being her mama - it’s overwhelming. It’s beautiful, it’s hilarious, it’s confusing, and it’s so tough at times.  

It’s been the biggest (swiftest, if you will) growth experience I’ve ever had. And I’m so grateful.  I’m grateful for my body, for her little soul for choosing me, for my husband for being an incredible partner, for our families for their love and support, for my community that provides love, humor and perspective, for this new chapter of being of service through my work.

There are infinite stories I COULD share over 4 years, and the stories I want to tell are the ones where we loved each other so well.  Where we learned, emerged through growth edges, remembered how simple it can be to find joy.  

I’m choosing to talk to my body in loving ways - amazed at what it is capable of and what happens when I let it heal and rest.  I’m practicing finding balance between showing up for myself and for others, as well as being less “busy”.  

I’m doing my best to choose presence over performance.  I’m learning to use my gifts of strategic, super structured thinking and infusing it with grace and permission to meet the moment as it is.  

I’m remembering - sometimes daily - that while I’m not a perfect mom (I don’t think such a thing exists), I’m a really great one.  Perfection is not required in our parenting, our coaching, our teaching, our humaning….and that learning how to repair, to pivot, to respond thoughtfully is infinitely more important than trying to get it all right the first time.

What about you?

What stories are you telling?  (about yourself? your staff? your students? your work? your business? your body? your family? your productivity? etc)  Especially as 2023 begins to wind down…it’s a beautiful time to reflect on how we are telling our own stories.

Are they stories that feel empowering? Full of love and respect for you who are right now?  Are they stories that bring about healing?

Reflection Prompts:

  • If you imagine we’re sitting down for coffee or tea, and I asked you to tell me a story about you….what would you say?

  • Are there any stories in your life that could use rewriting?

  • What are you celebrating in your life this month? (this year?)

Lots of love,



1.30.24 Connection is Key


Blog Post Title Four