1.30.24 Connection is Key

Hey friends!

Last week our little family went to DC, for work and for fun.  DC is such a rich place for learning, so I really took some time to think about what experiences to share with Gabby.  I’m often thinking about building core memories (and frequently putting too much pressure on myself to do so).   So in planning for this trip, my teacher brain was definitely activated! History, play, science, art, let’s go!

During one of our days, right after we had thoroughly explored the National Museum of Natural History, I asked her what her favorite part was.  Fully expecting “DINOS!” to be the clear winner, of course.

She thought for a moment, then looked right in my eyes with a big smile, “playing with mama”.  

It makes my eyes water now just to write that - it’s so pure, it’s so TRUE.  It really doesn’t matter where I take her, or what the activities are.  She just wants to play with me.

She craves my attention, my love, my time, my energy.  It’s so simple.

And yet, as a mom, it’s not always so simple.  

In order to give that attention, that love, that time, that energy - I know I HAVE to make sure I’m taking care of myself, so that I have it to give.

A big part of taking care of myself well these days is slowing down and reflecting.  

It helps me to take this time – writing this email to you - to pause and remember moments like that.  Our worlds are so incredibly busy, and when I rush into the next thing, it’s easy to miss the special moments and the lessons within them.  

Meetings, planned activities, meals to prep, laundry to fold, bills to pay, content to create, lessons to plan, assessments to grade - the whirlwind of our lives are part of what makes our lives, but I’m finding it more and more valuable to SLOW DOWN time when I can.  To pause and remember simple truths, like, it doesn’t matter if I take her to 5 museums while in DC.  The museums aren’t going anywhere.  It’s not a competition to see how many cool things we did and saw.  We can only process so much at a time anyway.  

It’s more about the quality of our time together.  Hot take, right? Quality over quantity.

Pausing and reflecting is all about remembering.  

I already KNOW that quality time is more important than quantity of activities.  I already KNOW that my daughter loves me so much, and the best gift of all to her is my time and attention.  

Just like YOU know all the truths about your time, attention and energy - what feels good and when it feels off balance.

It’s in the remembering that we come back to what really matters.

So much of the work I do in teaching, coaching, and facilitating is about remembering .

It’s about creating a space for us to pause - breathe deeply - and connect to ourselves and others. To say, just give me a moment to remember.  To tune back in to my values, my heart, and listen for what matters most right now.

I’m returning home feeling all the feels.  

  • Tired -> time change + kid and long flights isn’t super restful.  

  • Grateful -> for time with family and friends, for new adventures (ice skating! Snowmen! New museums!), and beautiful wintry runs along the river.  

  • Inspired -> to deepen my yoga practice, put new boundaries around social media, and give myself a little more quiet.  

  • Excited - to onboard 3 new coaching clients in February, and support them in remembering their brilliance as they work towards new goals.

  • Wistful - my daughter is growing up SO. FAST. and I’m not sure how to stop time yet.  So doing my best to be as present as I can with each moment, here and now, as it arrives.

  • Connected - to my purpose, to my clients, to my family, to myself.

Reflection questions:

  • When you slow down, what do you remember?

  • What helps you feel most connected to yourself? To others?

  • What does it feel like in your body to be really, truly present?

Wishing you a beautiful - and connected -  rest of your week,

Lots of love,



2.20.24: Beneath the Surface & Leadership Styles


12.13.23 Celebrations, Stories & Healing