As a leader, Jess truly cares about making her teams and coachees feel valued and cared for. She radiates positivity and compassion, and strives to develop her teammates to be the best versions of themselves. She brings her full self to work each day, and she's able to do this because she knows how important it is to prioritized wellness for herself and her teams.”

~Meera Pamidi

Program Specialist, former Special Education Teacher Leader & 2018 Teacher of the Year

“It is hard to imagine my development as a teacher and leader without thinking of the impact that Ms. Boots had. The level of mentorship and support that she provided allowed me to develop into a highly effective teacher. MY success as a teacher is a result of her enduring and tireless support that she provides her mentees."

Elmer Merlos

Middle School Social Studies Teacher Leader,

Harriet Ball Excellence in Teaching Award Winner, 2020 Teacher of the Year

“I received mentoring and instructional coaching from Jessica for three years when I was a middle school math teacher and teacher leader. I appreciated that she always humanized the work by checking in with me and prioritizing my wellness along with my development. I loved that our sessions felt specific and actionable - we would look at student assessments together, grade exit tickets, and examine lesson plans together. She's the type of leader that does the work with you and helps you get real results. I am now a school administrator that provides coaching for teachers and I'm forever grateful that I got to expand my toolset by working with Jess.”

~Brisa Diaz - Zamora

Assistant Principal, former Middle School Math Teacher Leader & 2019 Teacher of the Year

Jess helped me discover my strengths as a teacher and as a leader. She unleashed my confidence and helped me understand how I can teach and lead in excellent ways that are authentic to who I am. I will forever be grateful that the universe brought me to her. 

~Dr. Alyssa Tison, EdD

Principal, former science teacher

“Jess separates herself from any other coach that I have known throughout my career. She is a coach who believes in every teacher and every student regardless of their learning style. Jess sees the potential and possibility of every teacher she coaches—I am lucky enough to count myself as one of those teachers! She is so invested in your success as a teacher and as a school that she always goes above and beyond to make sure that you and your students shine. Jess authentically develops and nurtures a love of teaching and learning in every teacher she’s ever worked with. Under her leadership, our school has gone on to develop incredible results within our district and state.

Whether you are a 30-year veteran teacher or a first-year teacher, Jess will differentiate and support you to ensure that you grow and develop your craft as a teacher. She creates a safe environment for teachers to share, but also be vulnerable. Her coaching is both adaptive and strategic to support the resiliency of teachers. She creates meaningful opportunities for you to succeed with your students and school.

Her welcoming personality and calm demeanor communicate that she values the learning of teachers more than checkboxes. Her affirming and positive style of coaching sets the tone for collaboration while her efficient management of logistics keeps the school and teachers on track to accomplish our goals. Jessica has inspired and pushed me to grow into an award-winning teacher—I wouldn’t be where I am as a teacher and administrator without her insight and support."

~Padmini Jambulapati,

former ELA teacher and Harriet Ball Excellence in Teaching Award Winner, teacher leader, Assistant Principal