1:1 Coaching


 Through individualized coaching, I help teachers and leaders prioritize their own well being AND intentionally grow their leadership and instructional skills as they work towards more equitable outcomes for students.

We explore ways of being, beliefs and mindsets and behaviors to sustainably create change.

Life Transitions & Personal Growth

An individualized growth journey that explores ways of being, beliefs and mindsets, and behaviors to support you in living your fullest, most authentic life.

Often this looks like reflecting back your own brilliance so you can see it and live in to it with joy as you deepen self trust and build your toolkit.

“Resilient people do hard work for a long time. They remain open to suffering, and they can be a witness to it, but they do not soak it up, they practice a form of letting go. Letting go allows us to hold an expansive picture of life and our existence. While holding this picture, we can do work to alleviate suffering every day. This is equanimity. And true equanimity infuses compassion with courage.”

~ Onward, by Elena Aguilar, pg 211