2.20.24: Beneath the Surface & Leadership Styles

Hi friend,

Do you think of yourself as a leader?

Are you a leader in your work, in your home, in your family? Do you take a leadership stance when it comes to social justice and standing up for issues you care about? When you are in different social situations - do you lead with your voice, or behind the scenes? How do you use your sphere of influence to create impact in the world?

There are SO many ways to be a leader.  

One of my favorite ways to be a leader myself is to create the conditions for people to reflect, get curious, and feel empowered in their unique strengths…and then use those strengths to lead with joy.  

Sometimes we think the person with the loudest voice, the first hand up, or the brand new idea are the only leaders.  But it takes courage to pause and think carefully before sharing your opinion.  It takes grace and humility to let others go first, knowing there is room for everyone’s ideas.  It takes skill to recognize a brilliant idea and double stamp it as you lift up those voices.

When I think about the people in my life that I consider leaders - they all do it in such different, and creative ways.  A common theme? They make the lives of the people around them SO MUCH BETTER.  

At the end of the day, that’s what I think we’re all here to do.  Make each other’s lives brighter, more full, more deeply felt.  

I hope that in my leadership style (in my work and at home), you feel my authenticity, my desire to experience and create connection, and my love of learning.  I hope that my constant search for joy and alignment to purpose comes across in small and big moments.

This past weekend, while in Monterey exploring along the cliffs and rocky seaside, I thought about depth.  

The ocean view is so incredibly beautiful all on its own, and that is just the surface.  Every once in a while, we get a peek at the magic that is underneath.  One morning, we saw a huge group of dolphins playing and swimming back and forth, and sea otters surfing in the waves, and that is just a glimpse.  A tiny fraction of the small and huge wonders hidden beneath.

It makes me wonder about you.  

What is beneath the surface of what you share with people each day?  What magic and depth is there just waiting to be discovered, and shared?  What aspect of your leadership could peek out and shine a little brighter?

Maybe the reflection questions I send each week help uncover a few at a time.  That’s my hope anyway.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Who is a leader that inspires you? Why?

  2. Who are you as a leader?  How do your values influence this?

  3. How would you describe your leadership style?

Lots of love,



1.30.24 Connection is Key